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St. Georges Bermuda
November 1806
Dear Sir,
I am very anxious to explain & apologise for my long Silence, tho' I am confident your friendly Partiality for me would never attribute it to any want of Attention on my Part to Your Commands, which I feel myself bound to respect by a double tie of Gratitude & Inclination.
We were nearly three months on our Voyage, one of which we passed at Halifax; & in ten days after my arrival at Bermuda I was seized with a Fever which has gone thro' the Island, & which tho' not attended with any danger left me in so debilitated a State that it was near a Month before I could even walk in the Garden.
While at Halifax I made an Excursion into the interior of Nova Scotia with which I was much gratified. It is a very fine & improving Country & is capable of being render'd a most valuable Colony. As my road lay thro' vast tracts of unclear'd Woods, the Patches of cultivated Land which occasionally presented themselves to view afforded a greater degree of Interest. Travelling on horseback & alone I stopt frequently to discourse with the Inhabitants who seemed more contented & happy than the generality of people of that Class; & as the Gains of every year are immediately applied to the clearing a few additional Acres, the expence of which is from 4 to 5 £ pr Acre their prospect is always extending & they seem to enjoy by anticipation the produce of the distant Hills, that scarcely 20 years of labour would bring into Cultivation.
Mr. Shepherd