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What I have been deficient in as to this matter, his Excellency the Governor has however made up, having collected a quantity of I suppose almost all the the different productions of the Country.
As to an account of this Country, &c, this, Sir, would be totally unnecessary you yourself being well acquainted with it from your own observation & knowledge, & as to such things as more particularly relate to the settlement here in Port Jackson, of this, you will doubtless receive better information than I am able to give you. I can only say, that as to myself, I have not any very sanguine Expectations that it will ever turn to any very great account. What is to be hereafter is only known to God but at present I think appearances are against us.
I doubt not however but every proper means & effort will be used, both by Government, & likewise by our Governor for its Cultivation & improvement - and it is my sincere wish to see the endeavours both of the one & the other succeeded by the Blessings of God.
With all due Respect, & difference, permit me
Sir, to subscribe myself
Your most humble
Most obed. Sert.
[Signed] Richd. Johnson