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has Verticilled [Verticillated] linear leaves ending like Gloriosa and Flagellaria with a Cirrhose; two Unularia [Lunularia], a third new most lovely Daphne, three Andromedae, a Saxifraga, a Clematis (of which I have four species) a Blackwellia and some others. I possess a good number of the Napaul plants described by the Illustrious Sir JE. Smith in his Exotic Botany, and in Rees's New Cyclopedia, such as Primula denticulata, Androsace rotundifolia, Begonia picta, Epidendrum praecox, E.humile (the leaves of which are precisely like those of the preceeding, both growing in my garden) which two species together with a third new one might advantageously be separated from Broughtonia. The Resident at Nepaul (my indefatigable friend and the assiduous donor to this garden) informs me that he has sent me bulbs or tubers of the Hatucon Swa (Roscoea purpurea) which are now growing well with me. I have further a number of the Quercus mentioned by Sir James Smith, his Paris polyphyllae, several of his Stelides, &c --
I am most anxious to hear from my most esteemed friend Dr Buchanan respecting the progress of his Nepaul flora, which no one is more anxious should be published than myself. Of Roxburghs flora Dr Carey has printed 120 pages, to which I have had the pleasure of adding the following new plants. Hedychium speciosum & villosum; Kaempferia secunda and linifolia; Jasminum dispermum; Chionanthus smilacifolia; Eranthemum strictum. Coleb. - A most beautiful variety of Canna indica now in blossom. several Justiciae and species of Mr Browns new