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preceding, by Mr. Robertson. That you should have thought that first sufficiently curious to be read, is highly flattering to me, and gives me some confidence in the success, not only of the last, but also in the paper upon the changes in the mercurial barometer which accompanied it. I am now satisfied that your goodness will induce you to act with these papers as shall be most for my credit, so long as it is not opposed by the regulations of the Royal Society.
In the Asiatic Mirror, I see that captain Bligh had arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, and was to depart in June for his government of New South Wales; governor King will consequently be in England by or before the arrival of this letter; and as he is intimately acquainted with the conduct I pursued in forwarding the objects of my voyage, to the time I embarked in the Cumberland, and has the honour of being ranked amongst your friends, I look to his arrival for the clearing up of any doubts in your mind, with much interest. In contemplating the future prosecution of my voyage, the prepossession of his predecessor against me is a subject of much regret. I should indeed desire not to be placed under his immediate orders; since the credit, if any should be due to my labours, would be in danger of being monopolised; I beg, however, to assure you, Sir Joseph, that wherever and whenever the advancement of science is concerned, a zealous co-operation on my part, either for the time or altogether, shall not be wanting.
In Steele's List, which I procure as often as possible, I search continually in the hope of finding the Admiralty to have been so well satisfied with my exertions, and penetrated with the injustice I have been made to undergo, as to have given me that step which is the great object to young naval officers: I need not say that disappointment has hitherto been the result; a latent hope, however, that when our gracious monarch, who has done so much for nautical science, shall be informed of the circumstances, he may possibly be pleased to order my name to be inserted in the list of post-captains from the commencement of my