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Isle of France    Dec. 31 1804

About two months since I enclosed to you, Sir Joseph, a copy of my general chart of Australia, distinguishing the discoveries and examinations of the Investigator;  as also a particular chart of a considerable and very interesting part of the east coast.  These I committed to the care of a Mr Walter Robertson, a surgeon on the Bengal establishment, who was liberated from this island, and sailed for England by the way of America.  Mr Robertson is a man of information and ability, and promised to deliver my packet in person, should no more expeditious and safe opportunity of forwarding it present itself, and to answer such queries concerning my situation here as you may please to put to him.  I am exceedingly anxious that the charts should arrive safely, for when combined with those forwarded by governor King in the Glatton, those I intrusted to Lt. Fowler, and some others sent from this island in the care of Charles Lambert Esq., they form a copy of nearly the whole of my charts.  I have since been employed writing several things relating to the voyage, but principally a fair copy of my log book, in which I have inserted under the head of additional remarks, all that I am able to furnish to the gentleman who may be chosen to write the narrative of the

April 25 1805

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