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without going to a short allowance of water, or touching anywhere if such a measure is necessary; but if two or three days could be spared to us at Madeira or St Jago, it would advantage the health of the crew by giving them a little intermediate refreshment, and by doing away the necessity of going to any allowance of water. Should the Cape of Good Hope be our destination instead of Rio, this measure would become necessary, though not absolutely so.
I would beg leave to ask, Sir Joseph, how far the scientific gentlemen are to furnish me with copies of their observations and most material drawings, either for transmitting home by proper opportunities, or for collating with the account of the voyage, which, as far as I am able, I propose to keep in nearly the same state of advancement as the voyage itself. Should it be deemed proper for them to furnish me with copies of their observations &c, it will no doubt be included in their instructions or mine, or both.
Anxiously wishing to commence our employment, I remain, Sir Joseph, your greatly obliged and obedient servant
Mattw. Flinders