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If six or eight eighteen pound cannonades, and four long fours or sixes are given to us, we shall be sufficiently armed.
The Investigator can stow a 32-gun frigates launch, and then a good sized cutter will stow within her. But in lieu of another cutter and a jolly boat, I would propose a six and a four oared whale boat, whose keels should be somewhat deeper than they are usually built, and the boats should have more sheer to pass through a sea or surf.
The present Lieut. of the Investigator, Mr Fowler, is it seems the son of a school fellow of yours, Sir Joseph; his father was from Horncastle. The late commander speaks highly of him, and as Mr Fowler wishes to go the voyage, I see no objection to it myself. I think of applying for a warrant for the present acting boatswain of the Investigator, Charles Douglas, as soon as I find warrant officers are to be allowed; indeed the appointment of a boatswain, gunner and carpenter is one of the first things I hope will take place.
My commission was read this morning, and seek men of the company as volunteer to go the voyage were desired to give in their names by tomorrow morming.
Not knowing, Sir Joseph, how much you are interested in the voyage, I take the liberty of speaking at length upon the subject; and if it meets your approbation I shall continue to mention the wants we may have, and the attentions that may be necessary, hoping for your assistance