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Wilhems Plains in the Isle of France
July 1. 1807
A fortnight since I had the pleasure of receiving letters from England by the way of America, from which I learn, as well as from the public papers, that you, Sir Joseph, were in health. My letters informed me that captain Melius had been permitted to return to France upon condition of endeavouring to obtain from the French emperor, through the National Institute, a permission for me to return to England, but a vessel which sailed from France at least six months afterwards, has arrived here with dispatches for the captain - general, without bringing any order relating to me. I am extremely apprehensive, that the French government leave me designedly in this state of neglect, and that there is no intention but to keep me here so long as the war lasts; at lease if a formal demand for the liberaton of my papers, my vessel, and myself, is not made by His Majesty's ministers or with what view, soon such an intention should be formed, except from the antipathy that seems to prevail with them against every thing English. I am unable to devine. Doubtless they have have been misled with respect to me by the false interpretations of general De Caïn
Seeing that I have little or no hope left, I dispatch my remaining books and papers of most value, including the Endeavour's log book and the book presented to me by Major Rennell, by a faithful trusty man, John Clair, who has remained with me till this time, and for whom I have obtained leave to quit the island. After getting back my parole, I shall then be at liberty to embrace any occasion that may offer of making my escape; and notwithstanding the regret I lament leave behind me the books and papers which are still kept by general De Caïn, shall most probably be obliged to attempt it; since all hopes of liberty, from any other quarter seem to fail me. In case of miscarriage by someone of the Americans which are frequently sailing from hence, I have written to Sir Edward Pellene in India; and as I have many friends here, hope, some way or other, to succeed before December next.