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Dear Sir

I am favd with yours of ye 14th Inst. by wch I perceive you want 12 more Silver medals i:e: in all 12 [plus] 20 [equals) 32 medals also 2 Gold ones.
Now you must know that a flaw in a Medals dye like a hole in ones stockings - increases in a greater ratio than of square of ye uses or wear of it, so that ye dye for ye 
reverse is now so bad that I cannot think of disgraceing the Cabinets of the King & your Friends with unpropious of so tatterd a dye. I have therefore come to a resolution this afternoon (wch I wish I had done a week ago) to have a new reverse dye gravd & that I hope to get done so that the 2 Gold & ye 32 Silver ones shall be delivered to your order in London on Tuesday evening the 24th. Inst. Although it will be attended wth. some little expense yet it shall not be

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