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incredulous in regard to the commonly received opinion of influence from the soil, besides in this neighbourhood there are not any indications of Copper or Pyrites, indeed about 8 or so miles distance some copper mines have formerly been worked. Had the luck some time since of meeting with a small species of Crawfish, I believe entirely new, it was brought accidently from a neighbouring brook in some water-cress, most like the Cancer Strigosus of Linneus, figured in Pennant, but much less, being of a size between a shrimp & a prawn. I sent it to Mr Pennant who pronounces it a non-descriptable [indecipherable] extraordinary, tho' I have ordered diligent search to [indecipherable] in the same small manner & have offered premiums for the bringing of some more specimens, yet hitherto without effect, possibly they may take close shelter under the herbs &c at the bottom. Shocking bad weather here, not a little corn still out, there will be much grain spoilt, hay extremely scanty, an open winter much to wished.
Excuse this intrusion, which is meant only to exculpate myself from any apparent inattention in complying with your desires. Mrs Tunstall joins me in respects to you & family; hope worthy Mr Hodgkinson was well, when you heard last. Remain with true regard
Your much obliged
& very humble sevt.
Mar. Tunstall