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My Lord

I have taken the liberty to address your Lordship thinking your Interest with Sir Josh. Banks might be a means of getting me into a Ship which is going to the Pacific Ocean.  She is to touch at Otaheite [Tahiti] and her business there is to carry a Fruit (called Bread Fruit) to Jamaica.  This was recommended to the Lords of the Admiralty by Sir. Josh. Banks and from undoubted authority I have learnt that a ship under the Command of a Mr. Bligh (who was Capt.n Cooks Sailing Master) is to sail in the course of six weeks. This plan if I succeed in it, and survive the Voyage would in all probability (when come Home) get me preferment - which I would run any risque for - besides the knowledge which I must consequently gain in the Nautical line.

I have write to the Duke of Rutland this Post to beg an immediate answer and a Letter to write on Lord Howe.  I understand the Duke is on tour, and in that case I am much affraid I shall not have an answer so soon as I cou'd wish.  I wrote to his Grace before I left Bath in answer to a message which I received from his Grace

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