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cannot grumble if they do. I will myself cheerfully meet the Expense.  Kew probably may have lost or [could?] ill spare several of my List.  it was made more to shew what we had not than what we expected to have sent - The whole University is decking itself for the ensuing Celebrity & if Mr Aiton can favor us in the Course of this or the next week with any Proteas Erica, or more shewy of the Cape Plants they will come in the best possible Time - Except some African Plants,which which might be sent in Pots - the hardy Trees & herbaceous Plants will not suffer removal before the Autumn. I did not mention in my List any bulbous Plants because Mr Salisbury (in the Gratification of whose aquaintance I am particularly flattered) promised to send me a complete collection of bulbs.  The Duke of Portland's Yardsman has been with me this evening

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