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[Page 4]

We steerd by Compass, & I was attentive to the Course as well as the distance which I measurd by a Pedometer an instrument which I had tried by measuring a Mile, & walking that Mile in my usual way which ascertaind the Number of Paces I made in a Mile by the Pedometer, by this Number I divided the Paces in any distance registerd by the Instrument, in this way I think I had the distance, firstly Correct - in Miles -

Capt. Paterson desires to be particularly remmemberd He has sufferd much from a tedious inflamation in his right Eye, but is recovering its use fast, I will not fatigue you longer but beg to Subscribe Myself with Esteem & respect 

Dear Sir

Your most Obed. & faithful

Hble Servant

Jno Hunter


I have lately assured an order making it fellony in any person to attempt the distruction of this Herd which are the property of Government. to recover them to a domestic State would be both difficult & dangerous, I think therefore if allowd to keep their present Situation for ten or twelve Years longer; this part of the Country will be almost overrun, they will a vast resourse hereafter -


Current Status: 