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three kinds of this Coal. Mr. Bass informd me that they found it about 20 Miles to the Southward of BotanyBay in the face of a Steep Cliff, that the Strata was about Six feet broad & extended Eight Miles further South, that there were many other Strata of Narrower limits, & that large patches were found on the hills & in the Valleys, that He (Mr. B) is of opinion it may extend to much greater length than he had an opportunity of observing - that which was brought here was broke off from the face of the Cliff by the Boats Crew. In short Sir Joseph it Appears that that part of the Country abounds with Coal, & probably other usefull Matter. As I propose in the Course of a fortnight or three Weeks to go the Southward & endeavour to discover our Wild Herd, I shall if I find myself equal to the attempt Strike down towards the Sea Coast & See this Coal Country Muself; I have by the Account given by Mr. Bass Computed this place to ly from the Cow pasture

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