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Sure it was neither Cruel nor Oppressive, we shoud have found less occasion for any Severity now, but in our present State, it woud really require a person of Authority & much Severity, to Watch over & direct the labour of every four or five Convicts.

I hope Sir that you may have some opportunitys of intimating Your Opinion of the Evil Consequences of sending None but the worst Characters to this Colony, it clearly must retard its progress in every Respect. If I felt myself indifferent to its prosperity, or careless what opinions might be held of my endeavours to forward that prosperity, I might make myself easy & indifferent about its Concerns, & let Chance or accident Contribute what it coud to its reformation without distressing Myself about it; but it is not in My Nature to be indifferent to any duty, with the direction of which His Majesty May have honor'd me; I am therefore made the more uneasy, in finding my best Exertions frustrated by too large a proportion of Characters whom no encouragement can Stimulate to honesty & industry, no Example however Severe will deter from the practise of Crimes of the darkest Complexion. Some of those incorrigible fellows last arrivd before they coud have had time to become acquainted with their Situation here, grew tir'd, & in order to Change it they Contrivd to Carry off two of our Boats, the one belongd to Government, & was Seisd by a part of her Crew who landed the Coxswain & thru others at Broken Bay, the other belongd to a Settler - I sent two Armd Boats

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