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Esteemed Friend 

I have spoken to a sensible Nantucket Whale fisher, about the practicability of getting some of this occupation to sail to the Straits of Magellan & procure us the Winteranier [possibly Winterana].  I proposed a reward of £100 to the person who brought the plant alive to England.

He thinks it practicable - and that the reward will induce somebody to go in quest of this plant.  Be kind enough to recollect any other in the same place that may be worth a search - and procure such a sketch and such a description as may enable even a fisherman to find what we want.

The Winteranier is engraved.  I  will get a few coloured drawings, and this short description I fancy will suffice.  That its bark and leaves have a very spicy smell, and a hot biting taste.

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