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that every one should be answerable for his own performances. The habitats of course are Sibthorp's, except some verbal corrections. The preface, which I shall also beg to submit to you, will explain all more fully. I shall be thankful for your unreserved opinion.
On one point I had hoped to have your support, but it is in vain. There are a few grasses, quite new & no where figured, not drawn by Bauer. These I would have given in the Prodromus from the dried specns. [specimens] uncoloured. It would have been useful, & would have attoned for the Rosemary, Primrose, &c in the great work. But unluckily the will says the Prodromus is to be "without plates" - so I find it impossible to effect what I wish, though manifestly for the benefit of the work & of the public. Mr. Hawkins however suggests that these grasses may be given as an appendix to the great Flora.
I am very sorry to hear you have not been well, but from what I can learn, you have not had so severe an