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The introduction to our description of the breadfruit is "I have here given the following extracts respecting it, with the plate annexed."
What I am at a loss in, is, whether instead of annexed, the kind of plate should not be mentioned and if taken from Hawkesworth's collection (which I think is the plate you intend).
The division into Chapters as far as I have yet gone, is
Chap I. as in proof
Chap II
Departure from England - Arrival at Teneriffe . Sail from thence. Arrive off Cape Horn - Severity of the weather. Obliged to bear away for the Cape of Good Hope.
Chap. III
Passage towards the Cape of Good Hope, and search after Tristan da Cunha. Arrival at False bay - occurrences there. Reports concerning the Governors people. Departure from the Cape.