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on Showing your Letter to Gov King His Excellency told me he had employed a Person to make out a list of everything Cultivated in the Colony to be sent Home - but agreeable to your order I shall willingly make out and transmit you one as soon as possible ~ with Respect to late [indecipherable] I am of opinion that the late Sorts of Pears and apples will best Suit our Climate but we have many Sorts both of Pears and apples in the Colony which have not yet bore fruit. of course a Judgment cannot yet be formed - yet I am inclined to think some of the Best sorts of cider apples from England would be an [augmention?] to the Colony. of Peaches we have a variety of Sorts but I believe they have provided from three sorts first introduced from England. they all bear abundantly through all seasons nor do I know which to give this preference to the Early or late but the Early is most Sought after. but that arises from its being [?] plentiful in the Country, the Early