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indeed the very Name of Settler is a town of drision - a fault their must be some where or these things woud not happen where it oreginates I shall not presume to say but surely it cannot be said that the Country is in Safety while the most abandoned it is well known have permission to Range the Country at large and while So large a Body of them that were kept to labour at a Government Settlement had no other gaurd over them but a few Convict Constables and Overseers and what Confidence is to be placed in them the event has shewn; and it must be confessed that the Prisoners are the People most corrupted in the Colony. they live in general much better than the Settlers fill nearly all the Places of trust in the Colony below Commissioned Officers to which they are allways prefered before a Free Man - when Such is the state of the Country what prospect is their for a Settler and his Family his Business he cannot property attend for he never lays down by in the fear of being Broken in upon before morning, should he by successful industry get forward his very property exposes his [words obscured] surrounded by all these Evils no Prospect for my Wife and [words obscured] but penury and Want, with Spirits Depressed and Broken [words obscured] with those Ideas I have no resource Sir but in your Goodness and to implore your advice what course to pursue - I have some times thought if I coud have procured a Passage home I woud have Returned to England with my Family but a Step of this kind had I it in my Power I shoud not have taken till I had first made you Sir who have been Somuch my [Friend?] [acquainted?] with my Situation and asking your advice - I hope I shall not give you offence by this Intrusion and allow me to Subscribe myself
Sir your most
Humble Obedient
Geo Suttor
PS by Capt Flinders I [transmited?] per favour of Colonel Paterson a Letter and an Account of the Plants &c in the Colony which I hope you have recev'd