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let me have 20 boxes made, similar to some that was then in making at his house for such purposes. He answered my letter in saying, that I should not have an opportunity of sending home plants that required boxes to be so nicely fitted, but told me I might half casks from the store, which he considered would answer my purpose equally as well. I informed him that they would not be any use to me. I have cultivated a few plants in these sorts of casks, and found that they were soon liable to fall in pieces, besides they occupy so much room, & a great vacance is left by being round. I mean to ask him again, and if he refuses (which mostly likely he will & severely scold and jeer me in the bargain) I mean to ask him for permission to purchase a good quantity of spirits, which if I can get, I will be at the expence of having them made myself. If he should ask me what I want to do with spirits, I shall candidly tell what purpose I am going to apply it, and then it will be a great chance if he does not give me one of his lectures. However, I consider these plants that I mean to cultivate, a valuable acquisition to Kew garden. What plants were cultivated at Kew & other gardens, when I left England, I collected specimens of, & have them now by me. I look upon such a non-compliance as the above with disdain, for what can be the expence of a few rough boxes to Government? If the refusal is through any other motive, I consider it as jealousy. Witness what I am going to tell you. When the Glatton was lieing here, the Governor told me that he was going to send some boxes of plants to England, and that if I had any to send, his gardiners could look after them. I got a box made (by government) and filled it with plants, and told the Gardiner of it, & who likewise informed His Excellency, of it he received for answer that I was to give him a bit of every plant, and to fix my Latin names to them. When