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pardon a frustrated mind for troubling you when in such a disposed state as at the present.  I have gain'd a knowledge of the plants at Kew as well as I could expect at this time of the year.  I flatter myself as much as to say, that I am not afraid to face others that are employ'd in collecting on the same subject.

At the present I should wish to go home, not merely to see my friends but to improve my mind in other branches of Natural History, the manufactory arts &c.  I have got Specimens of all the Bot. Bay plants that I have yet seen, excepting a few of those that the memory cannot be void of retaining.  I made Mr. Dickson sensible of what I have represented, & desired him to acquaint you of it, but not having an opportunity he did not divulge it, & I not knowing otherwise, caused me to leave Kew.

I am yours &c

George Caley

[Banks handwriting]
wrote word that he had my leave to go home.

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