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Augt. 20, 1803. A wood in [indecipherable]. I was sick & did not open the Bundle of Plants till this time.
April 24, 1803
I return you thanks for the increase of pay, I do assure you that it was not through any lucre of gain that caused me to ask for it, but merely through necessity; however, I shall apply it chiefly towards procuring such necessaries that is requisite for one in my situation viz. to explore the country. I am glad that you are now of opinion that if I act according to my own judgement I shall do better. It has long been customary with me to listen to the advice of most people, but to adopt only that which appeared to be the best. But I am now so situated that I have no one to converse with upon my pursuit for to obtain instructions. Had I paid attention to what has been represented to me, you would have thought that I had given way to folly. You will find the more I am independent of the Governor the greater will be the progress I shall make. Nay, even if I was supplied with money through any other channel than by him would be the better, as he is always so full of business that it is seldom I can get to see him in any due time; and nothing is more tedious that waiting at his door for hours as if one was going to ask for charity. The loss of such time is valuable to me, for I value my credit, I assure you I trouble him as little as I can help, and have put myself to many inconveniences sooner than inform him what I wanted. But in fact to tell you the truth at once, I would as soon face a wild beast as face him, as then I should be at liberty