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I do not doubt but what I have already said will displease you, but now I am going to tell you the injury that you have done me: You that are a person of a great character, who I always understood was at the head of science and it's chief primates. You that visited unknown parts with the immortal Cook. You that I fully depended upon, as the fittest person to put hard gained knowledge into execution. You I looked upon as the properest person of judging the few abilities that I am endowed with, has done me more injury than any other man living! Nay, I may truly say, than all Mankind besides! If you had told me what I have now heard when I left London, it would have been but a trifle; but, now I have spent all the summer upon what you gave me to understand last Winter! Consider the time that I have lost in trusting to what you told me! The day before I left London, I am almost certain that I could have agreed with a person, for what I have long sought after; if I had done, I should have thought myself giving of great offence. In two of your letters you speak highly of Aiton, Dickson and Lee and in one of Masson; the former you say acquired more Botanic knowledge than Mr Bolton; as I never answered that letter, I shall now speak for James Bolton, he told me that the chief post of his knowledge was gained by a persevering study, for he had no companion other authors say so; Botany is learned about London, by many people in as diffuse a manner, as in the time of Gerard, Johnson and Parkinson, only the Linnean names are adopted. The person who studies Botany in a country place, in general lays a foundation that is not easily to be overturned; he follows the dictates of nature, he notices them plants in a philosophical light. If Bolton had been rewarded according to his talents, he would have stood very high in the botanical world!
If by proving, what I have said in all my letters will now entitle me to my chief object, I scorn to be entitle by interest alone. Trace me from the cradle to the present, and find my equal? Put your hand upon your breast, and ask your heart and conscience, whether you have done me justice! Tell me whether I have ever swerved from what I have said. It is in your power to make me amends for the injury that you have done me, but I cannot describe it by words! If a person would have took his oath 6 months since, that you would have used me in this manner, I should not have credited it. I can forgive an injury, but I cannot forget it. I shall now conclude by telling you, that if you do not answer this letter, within ten days of the date hereof, I shall consider you as not acting in a proper manner, and shall think myself at liberty. I have to begin again with worse, than if I had nothing! I shall strive again at my favourite object, and whoever is my employer, I will stand true to the ageement. I am young and not afraid of work, and I think in course of time I can overcome the injury which you have done me, and if ever I am able, (which I hope to be) I will return you the money which you have given me, even the postage of letters.
I am your humble, but much injured servant.
George Caley
Strangeways Augt 23rd, 1798: