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take me into a field or where the earth is covered with verdure. I do not know the vegetable production within the circle of our yard around me, and I am of an opinion, that the person never was, nor ever will be, that can do it within a space of a certain limited time. I am well acquainted with the manner in which plants are learned by your man at Kew &c. But such a method will not suit me; upon this subject I shall quote the preface of Lin-Gen.plan.what Linnaeus quotes from Casal primus the first system botanist: nisi inordines medigantur plantae, & velus castrarnus acies distribuantus in suas classes omnis a fluctuari necesse est.
With regard to the benefitting my employers has been a motive. I have always thought, as you may prove by my former letters I have sent you. Enquire of Mr Curtis or Mr Fairbairn, whether I was worthy of their employment and whether I did them a week's work for a week's wages; as for benefitting myself is a matter very unlikely, if, the objects that I have in view are ever put in execution, it is more probable that it will be advantageous to others, for I am too great an enthusiast to strife at enriching myself in the purse. I do assure you Sir Joseph, that it is not my wish to impose upon anybody, for what I know, and what I can do, I am not afraid to write it.
I am going to mention something, with respect to Mr Masson, though unknown to me, I ask his pardon for taking the liberty. I understand he is employed by the king for to collect plants, by which he has been very successful, perhaps more than anything man ever will be. In the first place I believe the Cape of Good Hope is well favoured by nature with vegetable productions. In the second it is notable for shipping to touch at, by which a general traffic is carried on, which causes the produce of the country to be brought to market for some hundreds of miles, this is an excellent thing for to get a good intercourse and understanding with the natives, and to encourage them to bring plants seeds &c. Lastly, it is very commodious for sending it produce to england. But had Mr Masson persevered a little into the arts and sciences, might he not have favoured commerce?
As I am thought not to have a sufficient knowledge of the cultivated plants, I shall take upon me to mention what I have frequently heard of Mr Smith among the gardeners, who say that he never deserved the birth that was given him; and that it was interest alone that procured it him; perhaps, I may be thought to be too satyrical upon this matter, if, I am I ought to be reprimanded for it; he may have the best abilities of any man for anything that I can testify; I only mention what I have frequently heard.
The benefits that mankind are furnished with from the vegetable kingdom are chiefly at the first found out by accident, and at after improved human industry. As the progress of botany has of late been so rapid in england; we find it studied in many different lights. The beauteous or shewy tribe being admired chiefly by the ladies, excites the attention of the nurseryman to cultivate them for a livelihood, this may fairly be called one of the luxuries of life; though far preferable to others. The true Botanist is not limited to beauteous ones, all in his eyes are wonderfully wrought, this by the generality of people is considered not a study for the welfare of mankind, but rather the whim or curiosity of the student, though when seriously thought at, it is a guide to many sciences, if it had not been for this, I had never thought of improving commerce. I have long noticed what I have just mentioned, but have never disclosed it till of late, neither can I learn of any other that have had an opportunity. Strange that this had not been thought of by those interested in commerce.
It is somewhat to be noticed, that some places in the same parallel of latitude, and also similar in altitude, put up different plants, thought the earth in both places appears to be on