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Jan 19 - 1799
Knowing that you were indisposed causes me to trouble you with a note. By the ship being detained longer that what I expected urges me to apply to you for more money, however should it be disagreeable by troubling you at the present, I can make free with this £5 note that you let me have a short time since, but this is not to call my own but what I have to remit to Manchester.
Gov King intended to have set out Portsmouth today, but as the wind has changed he is prevented; and as there is not likelihood of a change of weather, the ship may remain in the downs for a series of days yet, by which I mean to return to Chelsea, for by living in town it is more expensive, and what is still worse, I am out of my element. The greatest expence that will occur to me will be the carriage of the parcels and the fare to Portsmouth.
Should I have to leave London without seeing you let me exerte your attention for a few minutes longer.
After having explored as much of New South Wales as I am capable of, that if an opportunity appears of visiting the different islands
Jan 20