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limaria & regalis, Paris quadrifolia, of which this year I have found from one leaf to seven, Rhamnus frangula, Myrica gale, Salix pentandra, Geum rivale, Carex pendula. Ophrys ovata, Galeobdolan luteum, Mahea moschata, Juneus sylvaticus. The banks of the river irwell for several miles are covered with the Jupilago hybrid & petasites but where there is one of the petasites there is 500 of the hybrida Serapias latifolia & longifolia, Ranunculus lingua & reptans spergula nadasa, parnassia palustris, Alisma ranunculoides, (and some few plants of the Hypericum elodes & Scutellaria minor) Stratiotes aloides, Acorus calamus, Prunus padus, Phellandrium aquaticum Empetrum nigrum, Anagallis tenella, Ribes alpinum, Myriophillum verticilatum. about 25 miles of the Butomus umbellatus & Cicuta virosa, and many others, Mr Dicksons opinion of the Fungi seras a monster of a Clavaria or Nelvella, but I saw more than a peck full of it, and it was all about the same size.
The Geum which you will find I call urbanum var.B and a pretty moss I have not examined was brought to me from Clifton moss.
I remain your most obedient and most humble servant
George Caley
Mr Caley
June 20 -95
Mr Caley June 20 --------------95