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1808 April 14
My last time of writing I think was in October 1807. I believe I sent you 3 letters, & gave you my opinion respecting the state of the country. I also wrote to Gov King at the same time, for him to explain to you the result of a journey I had then lately been, which he would be more able to do than if I had only written to you alone. The conveyance was by the return, either of the Sydney Cove or Duke of Portland, and the whole I imagine would be received through the hands of Gov King as they were to be enclosed in this packet.
I have now a subject to mention, which I conceive you will not much like viz Gov Bligh being arrested in Jany last and kept as a prisoner in Government House ever since. It would be in vain for me to attempt to give you an account of this business, when I understand some Gentlemen are piloted upon as Delegates, from whom the subject must be clearly understood. However I shall give my sentiment as relative to myself, which is this - let any prejudices or personal animosities be ever so fore at against any person in a legal office, I should never think of revenging them in that manner, which might be construed in to a National insult. By what I know of this affair I shall give Governor Bligh my vote, and I am opt to think you will warmly support him. What crimes are meant to be brought against him I do not know. The party now in office have been transported with joy on the occasion, but whether it will thus terminate, time will discover. It is reported that Colonel Paterson disapproves of this transaction and that he means to come up to interfere in it.
Since I wrote to you last I have made but little discovery, for as the warm weather came on I became very languid & weak. This state of debility I perceive gains more & more upon me every year. I have only been 2 journies, and that was in the same tract I had been in before, excepting a few miles. The first one I shall point out, as it was attended with some success, though I was disappointed in the principal object viz, the discovery of the conflux of the Nepean & Hawkesbury. On setting off on this journey, I went direct to Success Hill in Vaccary forest, purposely to get specimens of a dioicous plant I have called Fugitive [?]. Having completely this & crossed the river, I shaped my course direct to Dove Dale, with an intent of getting more project specimens of the Myrtles order, & particularly a Species of Leptospermum. In this I was disappointed but I did not fail in inciting with some thing
Oct 8