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Strangeways nigh Manchester April 13th 95


I will very gladly except of your offer, but since I wrote to you before (& before I got your answer) I & a few more agreed to go to pendle hill, pennigent [Penyghent], & ingleborough, in whitsuntide week, which being the time of Manchester races, I having been at ingleborough last year in the beginning of Septr. & found several plants that did not grow with us, which makes my companions want to go there, but as none of them as not been in that country they want me to go with them,.

But Sir when ever you think proper that I should come I will endeavour to be punctual to your orders.

I have sent you the moss & a few other plants which grow common with us. Some of the moss I gather'd on Tuesday morning which is the same as I sent to Mr Dickson. the other part I got yesterday,

I sent you the fungus which I mention'd in my former Letter, but it is now very imperfect to what it was when I got it, I have seen some of it pickled, which resembled a toads leg, It grew amongst potatoes.

If you want any plants out of this country (if I know them) I will if possible get them for you

I remain your most obedient 
and most humble servant
George Caley

[Draft response follows:]


I approve of your excursion to Ingleborough &c & wish you may be successful in finding something new the Plant which you have sent me arrived in excellent condition if you meet with any thing Remarkable upon Ingleborough & would send Rooted Plants up to me for His Majesties Garden at Kew it might prove a usefull Recommendation I will willingly pay the Carriage by the Mail Coach they must be packed in Plenty of Sphagnum.

When you determine to Come to London if you send me a weeks notice by Letter I will take care to have a place employment provided for you.

Current Status: 