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let him condemn a Man of Honor [honour] and Character, undefended & unheard - every assistance was given to Short by Hunter, Kent & Foveaux, who were indefatigable in carrying on a practice which is too frequent in the Navy, I mean, prejudicing the minor of the Number of a Court Martial before they assemble as a Court.  Captn. Kent has taken so decided a part in this business & been so industrious in circulating this letter & reports against Govr. Bligh, that he can never be trusted by him in any transaction;  So strongly had he & his party reported the recall of Bligh that I am told, General Grose has made serious applications to be sent out as Governor, as did also Captn. Ball;  but I have had the pleasure to hear that they were told at the Secretary of States Office, that no change was intended.  Some of our freinds [friends] have felt so indignant upon reading the enclosed letter that they wish me to have Counsels Opinion upon the proceedings of the Court Martial, & that the Members are liable for any inquiry C.B. may sustain in his fortune or Character from their representations but nothing can make up to a Man of Honor [honour] for having his feelings hurt by being accused of a crime he is incapable of.

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