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a Gentleman so favourably distinguished in the portion of Science & the source of every noble & benevolent enterprize will have every weight & in the hope of this I ardently solicit you to turn your regard towards the interests of Sumatra - it is a treasure that has been long Locked up from the knowledge of my Country by the interested & narrow views of those who by succession in the service or accidental contingencies, men brought into power, desirous of acquiring rapid fortunes by a limited commerce.  They never extended their views beyond the circle which they had drawn around them nor thought of enquiring into the Capabilities of one of the richest tracts of land between the Tropics - a lavish & unnecessary expence disgusted the court - & we are now reduced to such a languid state by the late resolutions - as to be at the mercy of every piratical invader - & the establishment seemingly left to die a slow & lingering death, but there are resources, were there sufficient energy supplied us,  even on the island to sustain a vigorous existence & we have but to initiate the industry of our neighbours the Dutch who during the last war supported themselves from the produce of their territory without any aid 

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