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Deference to his better Judgment [judgement], I think I would not have remained so long in suspense, but have taken the first Opportunity of personally Stating my Grievances to His Majesty's Ministers.  I join with the Governor in thinking this Rebellion will ultimately Lend to the Peace & Security of these Colonies, a previous Step to which must be the Removal of certain ambitious & discontented Characters.

          Having now been upwards of five Years absent from England, & feeling my Health considerably impaired, I write by this Conveyance for Leave to quit the Settlement which from the establishment of nearly the whole of the Norfolk Island Settlers, will very shortly become a Place of material Importance.

          Capt. Brochers of the Rose who has charge of this Letter, has also under his Care, a Pair of Black Swans, which I hope, if they reach England in safety, you will do me the Honor to accept.  I have victualled them at full ration for six Months, & they are embarked in good Health and fine Plumage.

          Another Ship the Dubere, a Whaler (who has taken in this River, 180 Tons of Black whale Oil this Season) proceeding at the same time to England, I have put on board her two Pairs of Swans, which the Master has promised me to take the greatest Care of, & which I hope will prove acceptable to you.

I have the Honour to remain, with every Wish for your Health,
Your obedient & faithful Servant

David Collins

Current Status: 