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I received the favour of your letter on the evening of the 15th insts and on the 16th I call'd on Mr Dryandry, he has not been at the Secretarys office, I immediately went there myself and saw Mr. Nepean, he told me the Gorgon would sail in a very few days and if that I would call again on the 19th I should then receive an advance of Money, and likewise a letter for to the Commander for me to be received on board the Gorgon. I did so, and had my Salary paid me from the first of May to the tenth of Octr and likewise an advance of half a year's Salary viz from the tenth of Octr, 1790 to the tenth of Aprile [April] 1791 which was more than I expected.
Sir the only thing that now perplexies me is that there is no Provision made for my return at the Expiration of 3 years if I dont should not like the Situation but I trust Sir that by your interest that can be obtained at any future period.
But Sir there is one particular favor which I most humbly beg of you that is if you will please grant me a Recommendatory letter to Governor Phillips that he would indulge me with time to collect as I am fearful that from my situation as Superintendent of Convict that I shall want oppertunity.
Sir not to trespass any further on your patience I return you my most grateful thanks for your trouble and particular kindness and shall esteem myself stil farther obliged by your answer directed to me at Mr Dixon's as he has promised to dispatch it after me should I be gone as I am necessitated to be at Spithead