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Dear Joseph.
I am sorry to hear that Bligh has been deposed. My informant is Dr Townsend who seemd as little favoured by the new govt as he was by Govr Bligh, for not withstanding the promise of grant which is of two years date he has not yet got an acre of ground not any Stock and by refusing to subscribe to a fund to send Macarthur home as Delegate & other prudent measures, is likely to wait the event of Col. Patersons arrival but I fear the plans against Bligh have been extensively laid & artfully conducted, certainly prejudice has been more bare faced than in any case I ever saw.
If I could do any thing I would willingly but not hearing from him, & being so far from London I can do nothing. I am at present looking to my retreat to London with trepidation, having been fatigued by my journey, but since my arrival certainly in many respects better but this has been owing to the kindness of Ld & Ly Cawdor where I have been allowed every indulgence of quiet amidst the luxury of hospitality - of fine air. One Days excursion of 28 miles