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Resolution and the Adventure in the year 1772, 3, 4 and 5. May I therefore flatter myself that you will be so good as give it to your bookseller, with directions to forward it, without loss of time, by post: viz. to put it under a double cover; the first addressed - a Monsieur Monsieur Le Comte de Buffon, a Paris, and the second - a Monsieur Monsieur Bigaley de Juvigney, a l'hotel des postes, a Paris - who will immediately convey it to Monsieur de Buffon. Whatever expence you are put to on this occasion; I beg you will inform me and I shall pay it in to M. Pissot to your account.
Monsieur de Buffon sincerely regrets that he had not the pleasure of seeing Dr. Blagden, in order to have shown his every attention in his power. He ardently wishes for opportunities to give you proofs of the high regard and esteem he has for you. This day, at dinner, he drunk to your good health in a glass of the best wine this province, so celebrated for its wines, produces.
I hope that you will at all times freely lay your commands on me, for with every sentiment that esteem and regard can inspire I have the honor to be,
Dear Sir,
Your most obedient and
most humble servant
Andrew Lumisden
I present my kind compliments and best wishes to Dr. Blagden.