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Having heard that you lately made application for a person, to go on voyage on discovery of Plants and Minerals; I have taken the liberty of comunicating to you my desire to undertake this task, if you should think me capable. If I have not been misinform'd you propose to instruct any person who may be inclin'd to go, in the Science and nature of minerals, in one month sufficient for the task. I flatter myself I should be able to acquire the Knowledge necessary, in the time Specified, the Profession to which I was bred enabled me to take drawings of Plants, or any thing I may have occasion to copy. My age is two and twenty, disposition inclin'd to study, & a great desire to travel abroad, if this Should answer your purpose, every exertion shall be made on my part in your Service, Shall think myself honor'd with a line directed to Mr. Halls Grt Hotel Buxton.
I am with respect
Your most Obedt Humble Servt
Saml. Williams
[In margin]
Feb 2