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Bedford [Street] 13 Jany 1772 .
Hon Sir
I pleas to pretmit for A few moments to Lay my Case before your Honour I am a young person Who hath for A long time had the greatest Noction of going A brod on such A voyage as it is Reported you are a going so if you or your Worthy frind Dr. Solander should want any person in any compasety that My Abiltiles should be able to sute I Should think My self happy in having the Hounor to serve person's of Your Most Justly famed Cracters
I hope you will not think to sevrly on me for thus ofering my Self but I was not so happy as to had [easy?] Gentlman to Recomend Me that had the Honour to know you but you may Depend on having my Cracter from savrall Gentlmen that hath known Me from my Childhood and Likewise from a Gentlman Whom I have served in A shop Evry since I Came to town Wich is 2¾ Years and if I be so happy as to have the Hounor to serve you I hope my futher Conduct Will be such As merite your Esteem so I shall rest My Cause with your Honour -
Who am sir your most obedents and
Humble servent to Comand
Step.n Eglin
PS if I might hope for Encuragement from Your Honour I Should be greatly obliged to you if you Would be so kind as [save?] A single Line or word With your servent When I might have the honour to Write on you for witch I shall mack bold to Calle at your House to morrow night