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To---Banks Esq.r
London Dec.5 30th 1717

          I take the liberty of writing you this,being informd by a Gentleman that you want several Young Men skilld in Arts & Sciences;  and as I am very desirous of entering upon your second expedition, I hereunto join my qualifications;  wishing that my little Capacity may be acceptable.

         I am a young person between 2 and 3 and twenty years of age born in London, have had part of my Education at the University of Leyden in Holland, can speak, read and write, English, French and Dutch, and a little Latin & Italien; understand writing, Arithmetic, Geometry, Drawing, Geography, Astronomy, Trigonometry, Architecture, Fortifications, Navigation by Theory, Mensuration, Perspective, something of Gunnery and Military discipline, can Draw any Plan or Elevation, erect any Fortification, and have a competent knowledge of Aintient and Modern History;  a desire to attain knowledge, and gladly shall embrace every opportunity for that End.

          I live at an Academy in the Cæty, in the Capacity of an Usher, necessity not being the motive of my application, but an ardent desire to accompany you Sir.  I beg it as a particular

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