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Boston Jan.y 11th. 1772
Mr. Banks
We when at your Country Seat at Reasby was inform'd by one of your Servants that you Intended taking with you; your next Voige a Band of Musick & that if they understand Navigation that they would be the Better appov'd of we two Parishoners of Boston that Playd at your Ordinanarys and to the Steward & Tennants at Night at the time of your Banqueting at Reasby are (we flatter Ourselves Properly Qualifyd in Both Respects as one of us can Perform on most of the modern Musical Instrument in use Such as the Violin, Hautboy, Guitar, Violincelo, Basson, Jarmanflute - Taber & Pipe: &c: and able to work any Case in Navigation and work an Observation and the Other Likewise Can Play on the Violin, & Bassoon &c &c. and understands the Theory of Navigation in all its Branches and the use of Maps and Globes and all the Practical Parts of Mathematick Such as Plain & Spherical Trigonometry and Astronomy allgebra and most part of Fluxions & have Books and Instruments Proper for the purpose and as we Doubt not but your Salary will be a Competency for Ourselves and Familys Should be Glad to Engage with you for the Next Voige if you think us Properly Qualify'd by Sending a Letter to Either Jos. Scothern or W. Wortley in the Butcherrow with Directions where to attend we will wait on you in the Least time Possible and the Favour Greatfully
Acknowledged by your Humble St. to Command
Jos Scothern & Wm Wortley
N; B: we Can Each of us Bring an undeniable Character for our Soberiety Honesty and Industry and are Capable of Learning ourselves any other Instruments of Musick: Such as French Horns or any other you Think well we should play upon