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My ernest Desire, and the pleasure I would enjoy in being near A Person so justly esteemed for His Merit, Engages me to offer myself, Should you think that I would prove of any Service in your intended Voyages.  My Profession is Watch and Clock making by which I make a decent livelihood, however as I am Single and my inclination and Ambition are much bent on the Voyages, it would add greatly to my Happiness if I could be any ways assisting, and I flatter myself that you would find me of some Use, in making alterations or repairing the Mechanick Pieces if occasion required.  My character will bear the Strictest enquiries -  I beg that you will look on this forwardness as no other but an instance of my Zeal to be His Majesties most Dutifull Servant as well as His Faithfull Subject. 
And Your Very Obedient Humble Servant 

James Farquharson

January 14th 1772

Current Status: 
Ready for review