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some cases I have been spat at by them. It is quite possible that the women may have known how the Englishman treat their womenfolk, which is vastly different to their own treatment,
for these German women are kicked and cuffed about like dogs, but the fact remains that we were very often smiled at when I passing them in the street.
Directly opposite us looking into our yard (where I used to take my exercise along a path about fifteen yards long) was the top storey of a flat. It wasn't very long before we noticed three or four young women living there who used to be very interested in any "doings" in our yard. With our intended escape in view, Charles, one of the Canadians and
myself set about getting them "particularly interested" in us,
From signalling, our interest got to letter writing, and per medium of a hole in the fence a regular correspondence was carried on,which was made easy by our easy going sentries and the fact of my being in the house all day and not being watched*
Our "barrack" overlooked a park, and the scene on a fine Sunday, with couples and picnic-parties in this park, was not by any means necessary to remind us of the birdlike life we were leading behind the barbed wires. The Germans as a nation are very musical and it almost made one*s heart ache to see and hear these parties singing in harmony to the accompaniment of mandolins and guitars.
By the same token I am reminded of a humorous "musical incident" witnessed in the street once when the German troops were passing the barrack, " Fritz" is compelled tossing when on the march and on this occasion a company of "canon fodder" were passing-singing "Deutchsland uber Alles" when I noticed a german "non-com" loosening the vocal chord of an errant songster by kicking him on his "stern sheets".
The lad certainly "sang" when he felt the impact of the boot though I couldn't hear as to whether he was in tune or not.