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Lieut. J.N. tubbs, with Hotchkiss Rifle, was sent to point Z8, central, (on the beach, two miles north-west of Tiberias), to prevent the escaping enemy using the main road leading north along the lake.  Forward patrols and the armoured cars fired upon machine guns, (known to be 6), from a point just north of the town.  Two N.C.O. prisoners reported 200 Turks, 50 Germans and 13 machine guns holding the place.  About 150 Turks, 3 motor cars, 2 motor lorries, and a number of horse drawn transport could be seen from Nusara retiring along the beach road, they were fired on by our troops in Z8 central and all retired to Tiberias, motor-cars and lorries being abandoned along the road.  At 1130 a squadron from the 4th A.L.H. Brigade reached El Menarah, south of Tiberias, and the O.C. thereof reported to Major McPherson.  He made arrangements to attack the town at 1400.  The 4th Brigade squadron advanced mounted from the south-west, one troop of the 8th Regiment along the sea shore from the north-west, a second troop of the 8th Regiment was sent from the west with orders to make good the gun positions, 500 yarads north of the town.  The 4 armoured cars advanced along the main road.  Slight resistance was met with from the gun position which was charged by a troop of the 8th Regiment with drawn swords.  The enemy abandoned their weapons and fled in disorder over the rocks on to the beach and into the town.  No further resistance was offered and 8th Regiment troops at 1500 gallopped on and entered the town from the north simultaneously with the 4th Brigade squadron from the south and the armoured-cars from the west.  Large quantities of military stores, motor-cars, motor-lorries, transport and machinery were captured, also 175 Turkish and 25 German prisoners.  The signalling station on Mt. Tabor was particularly useful.  When the squadron first arrived at Tiberias, it at once reported the situation.  This was passed on to Division who then instructed the Brigade to move that evening and attack Tiberias in the morning.  Brigade at once signalled Major McPherson to remain in close touch with the enemy as Brigade would be there by the morning.  Seeing his opportunity, however, that Officer captured the town with the assistance of the squadron from the 4th Brigade, and at once flashed Brigade the result.
     At 1700 the 3rd Brigade marched off for Tiberias, one squadron of the 10th Regiment was away escorting prisoners to Lejjun and the relief of the 9th Regiment at Afule had not yet been completed.  Instructions were left for these Units to follow on.  Brigade arrived at a point 2 miles west of Tiberias at 0500, and bivouaced.  Our left flankers passed over the battlefield of Hattin, where, in 1187, Saladin exterminated the large Crusaders' army under King Guy, which was endeavouring to relieve Tiberias.  The 19th Brigade, R.H.A., joined the column at Kefr Kenna, and one troop, 10th L.H. Regiment, which had been escort to visual transmitting station on Mount Tabor, (keeping touch with reconnoitring squadron at Tiberias), joined at Lubieh.  At 1015 the Brigade moved to a bivouac at Mejdel, on the western edge of the sea of Balilee [Galilee].  Horses and men bathed in the sea, and were thus much refreshed after the night's long march.  Two squadrons of the 8th L.H. Regiment were employed to restore order and guard stores in Tiberias.  A reconnaissance of two troops of the 8th L.H. Regt. was pushed along the coast to the village of Tabghah.  This place was found all clear and the inhabitants were friendly.  They provided plentiful good forage for horses and refreshments for men.  One squadron 9th L.H. Regiment left at 1230 to reconnoitre Safed where a considerable force of the enemy had been reported.  They reached this point at 1800 and reported all clear.  These reconnoitring parties remained out during the night, the squadron at Safed, withdrawing to the main road, near the Jewish village of Rosh Pina.  There were two machine guns with the squadron.  Outposts for the night were established at Kh. Irbid and all lines of approach round the bivouac area.

Sept. 27.

     Shortly after midnight orders were received that Division would move at 0600 with the object of relieving Damascus on the 29th instant.  At 0730 3rd L.H. Brigade moved off, following 5th L.H. Brigade as far as Rosh Pina, after which the 3rd L.H. Brigade, with 9th L.H. Regiment and 6 machine guns as advance guard, took the lead.  It had been reported that the Jordan bridge at Jisr Benat Yakub had been blown up.  Orders had therefore been given for the squadron 9th L.H. Regiment at Rosa Pina to push forward at dawn and reconnoitre the fords as far as Lake Huleh.  The 3rd

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