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25.9.14  Broadmeadows

S.S. [Staff Sergeant] Farrier Smith & 18 Drivers paraded under Major Holdsworth to embark with horses on board H.M.T.S. [His Majesty's Transport Ship] HYMETTUS.
The whole of the Drivers of Coy. [Company] leading horses, proceeded under Lieuts. [Lieutenants] McQuin & Keleher via Sydney Road for the Dock at 2 a.m. to assist in the embarkation of horses on board HYMETTUS.
Lieut[enant] McQuin & party, returned per rail to Camp at 5 p.m.
The whole of the horses (except 2 sent to Remount Depot) & their equipment, were placed on board the transport.
3981, 4802, Horses No 3972, 4266, 4378, 4684, 4110, 4497, 4969, 4881, 4408 discharged from Isolation Camp Fit.

Current Status: 