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Transcribers note: Written on Letterhead of Australian Imperial Force, Base Records Office. Victoria Barracks.
Melbourne 22nd May 1918
Dear Madam,
I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 13th instant and regret to state there appears to be no reason to doubt the authenticity of the report that your husband, No 3770 Pts. T. Bell, 20th Battalion, was killed in action on 8-4-18. Later official advice coming to hand by mail will, it is anticipated, give further particulars, and these, on receipt, will be promptly transmitted to you.
The incorrect particulars shown in the notification received by Rev. Hobart were evidently due to mutilation in transmission.
Yours faithfully.
Signed: J. M Lean
Officer i/c Base Records.
Mrs. B. Bell
Edwards Street.
Merewether. N.S.W.
P.S. Your change of address has been noted.