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itself is very interesting now. Last Monday we left the elementary stages of our work & entered what is called here "The Bull Ring". Our days are divided into hours & each hour we have a change of drill & instructor, just as in the High Schools in Sydney. Each morning we commence with the hour's march to warm us up & then we spend our time at bombing, bayonet-drill, open order work, lectures, Company drill & physical training. Some of our men have been doing the musketry course, but only a limited number can do this at once & so I have to wait my turn. Others likewise are having instruction re gas.

For the last few days or so I have been away from the "Bull Ring". On Thursday I was on guard & had a rather cold time in the guard-room. The duties of the guard are twofold, viz. to protect certain of the buildings here, such as the bomb-shed, & also to guard the prisoners. I was on the latter duty. We answered the bugle at 3.30 p.m. & went in went on duty at 4. Guar Change of guard here is done in

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