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Hun back with advantage yet. Am afraid that over confident form of safety has flourished far greatly with our military tacticians. Evidently they have not regarded the recent spell of quietude seriously enough. Dormant artillery can speak and has spoken. One thing in our favour is that we have Fritz away from his burrows and he now holds ground which can prove dangerous to him. He must continue his thrust to pay for his losses. Will the gain compensate for the risk he has taken. Fancy 1½ million effectives in action at once. Think of them, subjected to the mercy of our fire. Years have we waited to get them on the surface. It's to be hoped we can deal with them now we have then there.
Arrived Cambridge 9.30 p.m. Put in Ward 24 Great Eastern Hospital. The place is well fitted up, bright and comfortable. Food seems to be better than 55 General.
Train travelling exceptionally good. Beds comfortable. Far superior to Sydney to Melbourne sleeping cars. The motor ambulances are also good to travel in. This is the best trip I have had from the lane.