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Entry -19th Nov. 1917

Billeted in Tortefontaine chez Revillium Aehillo.

16th - left Fontane-les-Boulans as Billeting officer for Battalion. Cycled with Billeting party of 5 signallers to Ruisseauville. On the road one signaller became sick & I left him with 15th Rn. at Crepy. We then had two broken bicycles & so walked to 4 miles in the dark. At Canlers while the men were mending the bikes in the Estaminet I went to a private house for tea and received a most cordial reception.

Some Australian Mounted troop Officers had been billeted there & had left an excellent name behind them. There were some English Officers there & they told me to expect a very cordial welcome from the family as they (the family) were always telling them about how they loved the Australians. When I entered their dining room "Oh Un Australien! Un Australian" was repeated several times quite joyously. I was received quite

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