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[Page 55]

be fairly mobbed.
The answer I "one"
What is it? "Australia"!!
Some of them say two Australia & Tasmania.
But that wont be taken unless there are some Tasmanians around.
We have been a very happy family on board but it will be nice to get on land again and see a bit more of the world.
They have never had service on board since we left; which I think is a pity. but it however we will be able to have church parade again pretty soon now.
My word you appreciate the home Sundays when you get away like this; you will hear real old bushies here say that; whom you would never think had had a home for years.
I have managed to escape the mumps so far and am feeling jolly fit on the whole but for a few bru bumps which I have received through rolling out of my hammock two nights running. It is a most horrible shock to land wop on the floor when you are sound asleep especially when the hammock is hung from the roof.
Think I will sleep on the floor in future; it is safer when a person is such a wriggler like me.
Kind regards to Dick & Miss Stirling. Love to Boys. If we don't get any worse time than we have had on board the "Awful troop ships" this is going to be a picnic. Must stop now. Good bye Mother dear. fro Your loving son Rob.

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