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Fri. Sept 8th
We still wait here for orders.
We went on a bathing parade to a baths run by the 7 FA but on arriving there we found they were not ready.
I think we will take over this Rest Station.
There is much artillary work going on here & many areoplanes of our own also Fritzs.
Satur. Sep 9
Still resting doing what we like.
In describing this camp it is large there are two rows of low huts for the staff holding 20 men each. There are six large wards huts for the patients cook houses wash houses receiving huts all very convenient & built at right angles
We are on the corner of the Yepres E & W & the Poperinghe Road N & S rather an importent centre where there is also extablished a corps ration dump also a store & restaurant run by two little Belgium girls & there mother so that we are well catered for, there is also a large recreation ground for football & cricket.
What is happening to us we are sent here for a rest.