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[Four pages of a letter from Edmund Brewer to his sister Tess: pages 1,2,5 and 6.
Dearest Tess.
Dearest Tess your ever welcome letter reached me a few days ago while I was doing a spell in the trenches (dated 26/12/16). The night your letter reached me there was a bonzer bombardment on. We were handing it out to Fritz my little guns were going some firing about 25 shells per minute.
Fritz of course couldn't stand too much so he began to slug stuff back and things were just about as lively as they could be for awhile. There was just one continuous stream of shells flying through the air and a most terrific din. It sounded something like this.
– Whiz whiz bang whiz whurr bang bang bang splosh big bang whiz bang bang bang bang whurr bang bang whiz bang a H[dash] of a big bang. more bang and whiz, ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping bang whiz bang ping bang whurr whurr whurr bang bang great big bang whiz bang.
Read the above over first and then rattle it off just as quick as